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Private Prison Transport Accident Injury Lawsuits

Transporting prison inmates is often subcontracted to private companies that offer this service. When transporting these individuals, private prison transport companies have an obligation to keep their passengers safe and secure. When negligence occurs that causes injury, the transportation company may be liable for injuries to inmates and can face lawsuits to pay for damages.

Private prison transport is used for many purposes. A common reason these companies are used is for extradition to another prison or state, requiring long trips with prisoners onboard their vehicles. Drivers and staff are expected to ensure the safety of the prisoners, providing them with food, water and bathroom breaks, as well as safe passage inside the vehicle. Unfortunately, some of these companies do not provide safe conditions, leading to prisoner injuries that could have been prevented.

Types of Prisoner Transport Injuries

Like any type of transportation, private prison vans and buses should provide safety for their passengers. However, since the passengers are inmates, many of these companies neglect their duty. Not only can traffic or crash accidents put passengers at risk of injury, other types of neglect can occur during long extradition rides. Instances of injuries and deaths occurring during transport have been reported. Prisoners needing medical care have been ignored, resulting in fatal consequences.

Since 2000, dozens of prisoners have been seriously injured or lost their lives in private prison transport crashes and other accidents. Poor safety inside the vehicles and negligent driving and care may have contributed to injuries and deaths for these passengers. Families of prisoners have the right to explore legal options if negligence is suspected in an injury or death of a prisoner while they were in the custody of a private prison transportation company.

If you have a family member that lost their life in a private prison transport accident or you were injured during extradition or other prison transport, contact Conley Griggs Partin LLP to discuss your legal options. You may be eligible to pursue a private prison transport lawsuit to obtain compensation for your injuries or loss.